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Protect the Vote Resource Hub


Resource Hub

Organization/Point of Contact

Resource Type

Link(s) for More Information

Register to Vote, Check your voter registration, request absentee ballot,

Vote 411

View your ballot

Vote 411

2024 Presidential Election Guide

FUSD – Faiths United to Save Democracy Rev. Moya Harris

Volunteer to be a Poll Chaplain/Training

FUSD – Faiths United to Save Democracy Rev. Moya Harris

Turnout Sunday General Resources

Sojourners Rev. Moya Harris

Voting Resources

All Voting is Local

Local Voting Resources

National Council of Churches - NCC

Voter Information



Are you; a professional, social or civic organization that you are affiliated with working to protect the vote in the beloved community? We want to hear, share, amplify, and galvanize your efforts to help get out the vote. You can share with us by submitting the form using the button below.




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