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Metropolitan Newsletter - Week of May 14, 2021

Evan Taylor

God’s blessings to you as we worship, liberate, and serve.

Please join us Monday-Friday from 7-7:15 am for “Meditations with Metropolitan.” To sign up to offer a meditation or to share your prayer requests, email the Morning Meditations team at You can join via phone by dialing: 1-929-205-6099, 97875446720#

Join us this week for Noonday and Pastor’s Study at 7 pm on Wednesday.


Meditations begin at 9 am; Worship is Sundays at 9:30 am

Join via Computer or Tablet:

Join via Phone 1-929-205-6099, 975804722


Join us this week for Noonday and Pastor’s Study at 7 pm on Wednesday;

And on Saturday at 11 am, join us at Cafe Met on Facebook.

Please join us Monday-Friday from 7-7:15 am for “Meditations with Metropolitan.” To sign up to offer a meditation or to share your prayer requests, email the Morning Meditations team at You can join via phone by dialing: 1-929-205-6099, 97875446720#


Join the Sons and Daughters of Allen's 60th Anniversary celebration, "A Diamond Celebration: Honoring The Past As We Continue Our Legacy," on Sunday, May 16, 2021, 2 pm - 3 pm via Zoom. Register to join for an afternoon of stories, videos, and photographs:


Washington Interfaith Network

Black Homeownership - Creative Paths -

Join us this Tuesday, May 18th at 7:00 pm as we continue the effort to build Black equity and wealth in DC by creating paths to homeownership.

Here’s the link to register:

Any questions please contact sis. Celeste via email


On Saturday, May 22, 2021 at 2:00 pm, the Metropolitan A.M.E. Church Women's Ministry invites all women to The Gathering IV as we discuss Black women's faith & mental health. We will explore topics on the societal, familial, and professional impacts on Black women's faith & mental health with mental health professionals, Dr. Satira Streeter Corbitt and Dr. Jessica Parlor. Bring a SisterFriend!


Scholarship Endowment

The Metropolitan A.M.E. Church Scholarship Endowment will host its 28th Annual Scholarship Awards Program virtually on Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 12:00 Noon. The program will feature Keynote Speaker, Rodney E. Slater, Esq., former US Secretary of Transportation, and Master of Ceremonies, Rev. Thomas A. Brackeen, Jr., Minister for Metropolitan’s Youth and Family Ministry. The Scholarship Endowment appreciates your support of our deserving youth who demonstrate scholastic achievement and financial need. Ticket donations: $25. Other contributions are also appreciated.


Attention all High School, College, and Graduate School students! We are looking forward to celebrating you all this year on our Annual Youth Day, Sunday, June 13th, 2021 at 9:30 am, and during our virtual graduation on Monday, June 14 at 6:30 pm. Please fill out the form and send a photo to

The YPD is seeking out scripture readers for Sunday morning worship services for the months of May through September. Please sign up at the link below and or contact Sis Karla Bruce-Choice.


Mental Health Awareness Month

We are amplifying the need for mental health awareness during the month of May. God wants us to be healthy... body, mind, and spirit.

Thank you to Dr. Satira Corbitt and Dr. Flavia Walton for sharing resources on mental health specifically for African Americans. Please share this information with those that you love.


FEMA will be reimbursing funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020, to families of coronavirus victims. For more information go to:


Dear Rev. William H. Lamar IV, Dr. Dana Williams, and our Metropolitan Church Family -

We thank God for you and we praise Him for the blessing you have been in our lives. Your prayers, encouragement, love, and support have been a source of comfort. You helped lift our spirits and lighten our burden at this life-changing time when God has spoken and called our precious loved one home. We are deeply and eternally grateful for all the kind, thoughtful, and generous expressions of sympathy that we received. May God bless you and keep you always in His divine care.

With Our Love and Appreciation - Jerome, Janet and the Huggins Family


Please pray for those experiencing grief and for health, strength, and healing all of those in need.

We lift up T.J. Nicholson and family in the passing of his cousin Moses McCord.

We also ask for your continued prayers for Bro. Lloyd Fennell Jr., Dr. Wilma Harvey, Garland Dixon Sr., husband of Dr. Freddie Dixon, Deaconess Beverly Lee, Sis. Rosemarie Elliott, Sis. Janice Ferebee, Bro. Lacey Flagg, Dr. Mercedes Dickson, Rev. Aisha Karimah, Sister Ruby Joyce, Dr. Charles Curry, Deaconess Mary Burroughs, Deaconess Jeanette Spicer, and Mother Ethel Delaney Lee.



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