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Advent 2023: So This is Christmas by Dana Williams

Evan Taylor


"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life."

John 3:16 NRSVUE

December 4, 2023

Advent is the season of reflection and preparation as we await the coming of the Christ child. In most Christian traditions, it is also the season of expectation for the second coming of God. Both understandings are common and true. But there is another reality about the season that we tend to focus less on. In some instances, we take it for granted, and in others we neglect to consider it, perhaps because it implicates us.

When God becomes flesh in the form of Jesus, God also becomes human, material, physical. This means that it is fundamentally good to be human (and, conversely, that being human is to be good) and that with every human birth, another element of God is born. In the sense that we are made in God's image and we share humanity, materiality, and physicality with Jesus, Christ is forever being born into the world through the human soul. We are born to be and to do good.

I plan to use this Advent to remember that as wonderful as Jesus's birth is as an expression of God's love for us, it is but one of many revelations of that love. God is forever coming into the world. It is no small feat to see, to believe in, and be extensions of God's perpetual light. I'm overwhelmed with humility when I think of how God's goodness not only runs through us but runs after us, urging us to live into the fullness of an eternal Advent where every day is Christmas.

Sister Dana Williams
Bethel 21 Historical Society

Prayer: Help us to live every day as a small Christmas and to honor God's willingness to dwell in flesh. Amen


Advent Guide 2023

As we stand in expectation of peace on Earth and reflect on the events of our times and the lives of our brothers, sisters and siblings in Christ, we await change and new birth.

We seek, listen and perceive the presence of God in words of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.

We invite you to join us in meditation, reflection, prayer and spiritual disciplines throughout the season of Advent and beyond.

Read along with us each day or download the book to read and reflect along with us offline.




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