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Advent 2022: Love: Friendship Over Time by Elsie Scott

Evan Taylor


"Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.”

- Proverbs 18:24 (MSG)

Advent Day 25
December 21, 2022

Love: Friendship Over Time

I received a call from the sister of one of my best friends from elementary school. Coming out of a pandemic where these type calls usually mean a death notice, I braced myself for bad news. It was not one of those calls. My friend told her family that she wanted to celebrate her birthday with her best friends from elementary school.

Of all the things she could have requested, she chose her first friends who live in different parts of the country, have pursued different careers, and who have only seen each other at school reunions. We came together via Zoom for the first time as a group since we left our hometown many years ago. We reminisced about teachers, classmates and the things that made our bond so special.

Leaving the call, there was gladness in my heart reflecting on the meaning of love and friendship, and what is really important in life. With true friends, we do not have to see or talk with them every day, but the bond remains.

Sister Elsie Scott
Steward Emeritus

Prayer: During the season of Advent, help me to stay focused on the true meaning of love.


Advent 2022

We invite you to join us during the Advent season as we reflect on the virtues of Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love; as we anticipate Christ's birth; and prepare our hearts to receive him.

Each day a new reflection with a scripture and prayer will be posted on the Metropolitan AME Church website and social media to encourage you as we prepare.

Read along with us each day or download the book to read and reflect along with us offline.



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