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We're grateful to be back in our sanctuary for worship every Sunday at 10 am. As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, I am grateful that we can make use of technology to come together, to still see and hear from one another. You're invited to join us in worship in the sanctuary, on Facebook Live, or on our YouTube channel. I am committed to the work of having our community engage one another in new and innovative ways as we discern together. Throughout the week, I invite you to grow closer with God in Morning Meditations with Metropolitan, Men's Prayer Call, Noonday Study, and Pastor's Study.


Join us in worship on Sundays at 10am in person, on Facebook or on YouTube; take a look at our newsletter for opportunities to engage with us in liberating ministry with and to the beloved community; and give to the ministry and service of Metropolitan.


Thank you for joining us in worship, liberation, and service.



Grace and Peace,

William H. Lamar IV

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